Thursday, June 16, 2011


In the morning today it was very fresh. Everything outside was wet of damp. But the day went on as usual. The normal toast and hot chocolate for breakfast was good. We all packed up and were in the car soon. Around ten o'clock mum went to get some fruit from the caravan.

We had pears, oranges and mandarins. My brother only ate the oranges and pears. Otherwise, we all ate what was there. After a long and tiring three hundred and twenty nine kilometres, we arrived at Carnarvon.

The caravan park we went to was called Coral Coast caravan park. Our site was site one hundred and eight. The playground was just across the road. There were swings, a slide, monkey bars, flying fox, a pole, a chain ladder and a wheel thing you stood on and ran on it. After a while we went to have lunch.

I had a wrap and a small sandwich which kept falling apart. Then we wen to go shopping. Mum was dropped off at Woolworths while dad, my brother and I went to a tackle shop. After a while we picked mum up and drove to the One Mile Jetty. The Jetty was one mile long, but we didn't walk out on it. There was a train that went out and back in, but we didn't go on it today. Then we went back to the caravan park and did a little bit of journal writing. Then we had a dinner fish and stroganoff from yesterday. Today was quite good!

Saya melihat kafilah taman.
Karang Pantai kafilah taman.
Saya melihat Satu Mil Dermaga.
Sungguh-sungguh sungguh-sungguh panjang.
Saya dengar burang.
Banyak bankak burang.
Saya punyai sungguh-sungguh baik hari hari ini.
Saya punyai sungguh-sungguh baik waktu hari ini.

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