Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Lazy Day at Exmouth

We woke in the morning to a cloudy and dark day. We had a nice breakfast of baked beans, eggs and bacon. Then I just dried the dishes and did some school work. I finished my maths, spelling and Itergrated Studies.

I worked on it for around two hours. We soon had lunch and I did some custom animations on my slide show, the Intergrated Studies project. Then I read for the rest of the day.

At the end we started packing up the caravan. Dad and my brother packed up the awning and I did the chairs and washing line. I also folded the washing and passed it to mum to put away. The also out the chairs and washing line away. My brother did the table and dad helped him it away.

Then we all helped wash the car. We got a cloth and washed it all over. The windows, bonnet and number plates. Then mum started making our pizzas for dinner and she cooked them in the camp kitchen. They were EXCELLENT!!We had a little bit of muffin afterwards. Then we went to bed after brushing out teeth. I actually had pretty boring day!

Saya melihat burang.
Lima burang di ada persis.
Saya makan jeruk.
Di adalah sungguh-sungguh baik!
Saya dengar rakyat bercakap.
Semua hari ini.
Saya punyai sungguh-sungguh baik hari hari ini.
Saya punyai sungguh-sungguh baik waktu hari ini.
Saya belajar seabacus banyak.
Semua séhat.

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