Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Around Perth in One Day

Today we had an exhausting day walking around Perth. In the morning we got up after lying in bed and reading. When we'd finished our breakfast we just stayed in the caravan. I lay in my bunk and did some school work. But soon we had to leave.

We were going shopping and doing lots of other things. We drove to the other side of Perth, which is across the Swan River. We parked in an ENORMOUS parking lot. It's made specially for people who want to park and walk around the town.

We set off with my brother and I carrying a backpack each. First we went to Telstra, where dad had to do something. Mum and I walked around the other shops a little bit meanwhile.

Then we went to the Austrian Consulate. This was because dad had to get a new austrian passport done. That's why we had to go to the Austrian Consulate. She was really nice. When we left it was really bright outside compared to inside a building.

Soon we went to the Apple store. Mum and I had a little look at the iPod and iPhone covers. Then my brother joined us and we went to have a look at the iPads. You can actually play on them!! It was really good!! Then we went to a few more shops.

We then had lunch at a bakery place. I had sandwich filled with butter, tomato, cucumber, onion, grated carrots, lettuce and ham. It was really good.

After that we went back to the Consulate again. It was because we had to get a special envelope to send away the stuff.

Then we went to Jaycar. Mum, my brother and I stayed outside and waited. On the way back we had a look in this African shop.

The shop was really good. It's like Just Foods (that's in Albury). We got a few things there. It was a just food shop too.

On the way back to the car we ate the chocolate covered strawberries and cream that dad chose from the shop. It was really one of those strawberry lollies covered in chocolate. We were thinking about catching a bus, but we walked.

When we reached the car we drove to at least two other shops with spare parts for caravan. Finally we drove back to the caravan.

I kept doing some school work and listened to my iPod. Dad went to the showers with my brother. Then mum and I went to have a shower. Soon we had our dinner of sausages, potatoes and vegetables. Then we went to bed. What an exhausting day!!

Saya melihat toko.
Banyak toko.
Saya melihat Afrika toko.
Sungguh-sungguh baik.
Saya punyai sungguh-sungguh baik hari hari ini.

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