Well, today was a day of relaxation, well, sort of. I'll start with what we did at breakfast. I got up first and got dressed. Then my brother got up. We all had breakfast around the same time. Pretty boring. Anyway, the rest of the day gets better, so don't worry this entry will be boring. After breakfast we did this:
Dad went to get something don eon our car, and we were left at the caravan. We were supposed to fill up our water tank in the caravan and empty the toilet in the caravan. We didn't end up doing it though. We didn't have time to because we were doing school work. Mum helped us with spelling testes etc… It took quite a while to get it all finished, but mum helped my brother mostly.
Dad came back and he did all the stuff we were supposed to do, and my brother and I put all the stuff we needed in the car. Soon we were on our way to…… Lucky Bay campsite!!!
It's in Cape Le Grande National Park. It's on of the beaches we went to on the twenty fourth, which was two days ago. It's quite a nice campsite actually. There are toilets, showers, beach showers and a camp kitchen. The camp kitchen has got a sink, stove and barbecue. The beach showers are the showers that you quickly turn on and wash all the salt water off.
We arrived an set up the caravan. The van was facing the right way so we faced right into the bay. The waves were really loud and all the birds made their different sounds. When we had eaten our lunch and had a drink, we went off do some of the things we wanted to do. Well, sort of.
My brother and dad went off to go fishing at a little rock thing. There is a monument up on the rocks above it, and you can walk to that. Not a very long walk though. Just like seven metres through a bush path sort of thing. It's a nice place there.
Mum and I went down to the beach to have a little swim. Well, me at least. Mum doesn't like to swim in oceans. The water there was really warm in fact. If you stood on the sand for, like, ten seconds, (in the same spot of course!) the sand would sink under your feet. Then in form a liquid sand puddle. If someone else stood in it after you had stood in it, they would sink into it. That's only when the person steps on after you've been on it straight away.
I just LOVE swimming in water. It's so fun!! Even though it was winter, I wen swimming in the sea. Not that bad really. Small bits of seaweed floated around the place and lay in enormous clips on the shore. It was a really nice beach.
I didn't like all the big waves so we went back t o the caravan. Mum and I played UNO, and ate a mandarin and passionfruit. A kangaroo hopped through our campsite too!!! It was so cute!! I went down to see what dad an my brother were doing, but they were already coming back. I told dad about the camp kitchen and toilets.
Dad wanted to see them, so I showed him. In the camp kitchen there were some backpackers. The lady was french an the man was Australian. Soon went back to the caravan. Mum was talking to our neighbours, so dad, my brother and me went to join her. We talked until about seven o'clock.
Then we went back to the caravan and had a delicious dinner of sausages and potatoes. Then we all wrote our journals and wen to bed. What a GREAT day!!
Saya melihat awan-awan.
Saya punyai kegembiraan.
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