Today we left Hyden in the morning. We got up really early and had breakfast. When we had finished, all of us did our jobs. I put up all the legs to stabilise the caravan, and, soon we were off. We drove about four hundred kilometres today.
In the car I read and listened to audio books on my iPod. It's really funny because I'm reading AND listening to Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I'm ahead in the book though. Otherwise I just sat there and looked out of the window. I also did a little bit of school work.
Before lunch time we arrived at Perth. We got a place in a caravan park and set up. Our caravan is right next to the heated pool. We were settled in but didn't spend much time at the caravan park.
We soon were off again to the shopping centre. The place was HUGE!!! Literally HUGE!!!! Anyway, mum and my brother went to Safeway and dad and I went to Harvey Normans. We got a cover for my iPod there too. The covers blue and it has a new screen protecter too. (that actually fits the iPod) When we'd explored the place, dad and I met mum and my brother outside Safeway.
Then we decided to have lunch at the centre. I had mini pizza, mum and dad had Chinese and my brother had a chicken wrap. We shared all the food so everyone could have a taste too.
On the way back to the caravan dad wanted to have a look into a shop called Super Cheap. Mum and I went into an Op-Shop meanwhile.
Soon we were back at the caravan and it was raining. I was doing some extra Indonesian work for school. None of us wanted to have dinner, except my brother. We all wrote our journals and went to bed. We had our first day in Perth, WA, Australia, Earth, Solar System, Orion Arm, UNIVERSE!!!
Saya melihat makanan.
Tionghao makanan.
Saya melihat tidak geréja.
Sungguh-sungguh besar kota.
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