Saturday, July 30, 2011

Astro Tour

Today we woke up and had some breakfast. Mum did at least SIX loads of washing, hanging them up on the clothes lines. Meanwhile my brother and I cleaned the caravan. I did the side with the door and the front. Dad had to do some of the high bits though because I couldn't reach. After a while we had some lunch and mum decided that she had done enough for the day and was going to relax.

After lunch my brother and I went for a swim after dad had checked his school work. We played for about two hours when we were getting bored and went back to the caravan. Then dad went to get some frozen mangoes and mum went to do some shopping. When all the shopping was done we had a really early dinner of small toasted sandwiches.

Then we drove out to do an Astronomy Tour. To get to it we had to turn left onto and unmarked track fifty metres from the Cape Leveque/Derby sign. Not on the curb. We drove in and followed the party lights around empty dam and parked. When we got out we walked to the place where the telescopes were set up and sat down on stools. We were then ready for two hours of stargazing.

We had a look at Mercury and Saturn. Saturn was really good with all its rings through the telescope. It looked really amazing! Greg - the tour guide - showed us lots of stuff in the sky. We also watched the earth turn. We got some stars from the east, west, and above us. Our two stars in the west were actually one star and one planet; Mercury and Regulus. At the start of the night they were above to horizon, and at the end you couldn't see them.

We found lots of stars and we spotted the Southern Cross, Pointers, Leo, a crown, and I think we found a bit of Orion's bow and arrow. We also found the South Celestial Pole. At the end we had a look through telescopes. We looked at the Jewel Box, Alpha Centauri, Clusters, Saturn, and anything we liked through binoculars. We had some hot chocolate that tasted like hot water and drove back to the caravan.

When we got back my brother and I brushed our teeth, went to the toilet and then went straight to bed. I had a great night looking at all the stars!!!!

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