Today we got up and had a piece of toast each. Then we set off to the market with Allan and Judy. There we wandered around in groups and looked at things. I had a pancake filled with banana and Nutella (mum had one with mango). I also had a Fruit Thingy (that's what they're REALLY called too, it doesn't have another name. Their frozen fruit that go through this special machine and come out like ice-cream, but pure, cold fruit) filled with mango and coconut.
I got a new rainbow shirt that was dyed by the lady there herself and some anklets for my friends at school. Mum got some mango sauce and other stuff. We also looked for a pearl ring for my Auntie Katie, but didn't find one. I also watched a bit of the Wildlife show.
It was where a man there had snakes and he teaches people how to know if their venomous or not, and which ones are which. They also fed a fruit bat hanging from a ladies hand! It was SO cute!!! They also had little baby wall wallabies in pillowcases. There was this tiny one with no hair at all and the lady had to find it in the pillowcase before feeding it.
Dad soon went off to drop my brother off at this whale watching tour where he would be a trainee deck hand. When dad came back we drove back to the caravan. We talked a bit and I went for a swim. After about three hours in the pool I came back and had some food. It was some bread we got at the market with crunchy peanut butter and pickled cucumbers. Soon I had had a shower and was all clean. Then we drove off to pick up my brother.
He came back on the third load of people to come off the boat. The boat was called Sea Legs, because it was a boat with wheels. When it's water, the three legs clip up at the front and two next to the motor. When they got on shore it was dark and Cameron (the skipper) drove on shore up to his car with the Sea Legs. There we said goodbye and drove off to pick up Caitlyn. If you don't know who she is, see yesterdays blog.
It sat on her lap again and we drove off to see Jandamarra with her friend and Allan and Judy. We got our hands stamped (so everyone knows we've payed) and brought our seats up and picked a spot. We got some dinner of chicken and beef with rice and a few vegetables. We finished just as the show started.
It was about Jandamarra who died fighting for Aboriginal rights. In the middle we had a twenty minute interval, and my brother and I went to the toilet. It was great!!! The actors, the sound, the background, EVERYTHING!! I really liked how they spoke fluent Aboriginal. After about an hour or two it finished and we left. We took Caitlyn and her friend back and went to our caravan. There I had a biscuit and went to bed. I REALLY, REALLY did enjoy that play!!!!!!!!!
Saya melihat sandiwara.
Di AJAIB!!!!!!!!!
Saya makan ayam.
Di tiap-tiap baik!
Saya seperti sandiwara.
Pemain sandiwara sungguh-sungguh baik!!!
Saya punyai sungguh-sungguh baik hari hari ini.
Saya punyai sungguh-sungguh baik waktu hari ini.
Saya belajar seabacus banyak.
Saya semua séhat.
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