Monday, July 4, 2011


The morning today was quite cloudy and it was very windy. Mum and dad had got up around five to put the awning in it was so windy. Breakfast was good and we were soon having fun. I wrote a newspaper report about a shark attack and spent the rest of the time playing at the playground.

We soon went off to do a little shopping. We drove to the shopping centre and to Wickham. When we came back we got lunch ready inside (because it was to windy outside) and I played on the playground a little more. After a while we drove to Johns Creek to do some fishing.

The tide was rushing and if you cast, you had to reel in quickly so it wouldn't float into the mangroves. I caught a fifteen centimetre Moses Perch and mum caught two Happy Moments. Mum also caught a little baby Blue-lined Emperor. My brother caught mostly Moses Perch and this other one. I tried to catch a Mudskipper, but I don't know if it's possible. I also said VIPCT when my prawn was coming in. It means 'Very Important Prawn Coming Through'.

We soon drove home and I played on the playground with my brother. We dug a hole about sixty centimetres deep, but my brother stopped doing it. I kept going until Hollie came along. I made friends with her yesterday or something. She brought her brother along and we played tag. They were both smaller than me but it was still as fun.

Hollies brother kept falling in our hole, and Hollie fell into the hole her brother made. We managed to connect the holes. I soon had to go and have a shower and then we had dinner. It was chicken stroganoff. We had a doughnut after and went to bed. I had fun with the hole we made!!

Saya melihat kawan.
Sungguh-sungguh kegembiraan
Saya makan seabacus kecil sedikit pisang.
Saya makan pisang di makan pagi.
Saya tangkap ikan.
Saya tangkap ikan hampir tiap-tiap kali kita pergi tangkap ikan.
Saya punyai sungguh-sungguh baik hari hari ini.
Saya punyai sungguh-sungguh baik waktu hari ini.
Saya belajar seabacus banyak.
Saya semua séhat.

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