Friday, July 8, 2011

Pardoo Creek

We got up a little late like usual. We had breakfast and sat out in the sun of the cloudless sky. Some of the people mum and dad have made friends with came and talked to us a bit, but otherwise it was quite peaceful. We soon decided to go to Pardoo Creek and do some fishing. We had made friends with this german couple, and we took them. Sort of. We only took the husband, not the wife because she had to do some washing.

We arrived and the others started fishing. I didn't because I don't like fishing there. No one caught anything, but this guy gave us some live bait. This lady also caught a sea snake that killed itself by tangling itself up in the fishing line. This other man also caught a sting ray. It was really cute and floated away on its back.

We had a great time fishing too. I sometimes sat in the car reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix. I played with the bait fish for a while. They were really fun to try and catch them! The tide came up very quickly though, so we had to keep moving backwards. This other family gave us some fish though.

We soon drove back and had a few pieces of bread for something to eat because it was three o'clock. Then my brother and I went for a swim in the pool. It was really nice and cool. We stayed there for a while and talked to these lady. We soon had to get out and have a shower.

Two people we met came over to us and we shared the fish with them. It was real fun! We soon went to bed though. I had a great time swimming. It was also really fun!!

Saya melihat

Saya makan

Saya seperti

Saya punyai sungguh-sungguh baik hari hari ini.
Saya punyai sungguh-sungguh naik waktu hari ini.
Saya belajar seabacus banyak.
Saya semua séhat.

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