Friday, July 15, 2011


Today we got up around five thirty to get to Broome early. I didn't have any breakfast and neither did mum, so we were soon on the road. I read my book nearly ALL the way. It was quite a boring drive really. But, we soon arrived. We lined up with Allan and Judy and dad went to check what our site was.

We were soon backed in with Allan and Judy's camper door facing us. We then made up camp. Allan and dad put out their awning so they joined up and mum, Judy and I put out our green mats. Then the tables and chairs. I put up the washing line and dad put up our light to use at night. Our camp was finally ready!

I had two rice crackers and then my brother and I went straight for a swim in the pool. The pool is HUGE!! There's this special place where you can swim laps and another bit with a waterfall. My brother and I put our towels onto some deck chairs and hopped. It was really refreshing! We were soon used to the temperature of the pool and were diving around the pool.

We played some games and after about half and hour, mum came and got us so we could go shopping. We were on our way to town and were soon there. We went into the shopping centre and and got some lunch. I had a ham, tomato, spinach and something else and pickle Turkish. Then we went to Safeway and started shopping. When we were done we put it in the car and drove back to the caravan.

Then my brother and I went for another swim. After a while dad came to get us to come and see the dinosaur footprints. We drove off with Allan and Judy behind us in the their car, and went to pick up Caitlyn. She was one of the scout leaders at 1st Baranduda scouts. That's where I go. I sat on her lap while her sister sat behind dad and my brother in the middle.

When we got there we had to find the footprints quickly because footprints only showed at low tide, and the tide was coming in. We found a group of people around two footprints after a while of searching by ourselves. They were really interesting. A few little kids put their feet in them, but I didn't want to get mine wet.

We soon drove back home after delivering Caitlyn back home. When we got back we had some nachos and went to bed. What a GREAT day I've had!!!!!!!!!

Saya melihat perkémahan.
Keluarga, kawan adalah saya buat perkémahan.
Saya makan makan siang.
Saya makan makan siang di Broome.
Saya seperti Broome.
Di tiap-tiap manis.
Saya punyai sungguh-sungguh baik hari hari ini.
Saya punyai sungguh-sungguh baik waktu hari ini.
Saya belajar seabacus banyak.
Saya semua séhat.

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