In the morning we woke up pretty early to have an early breakfast so we could go on our Whaleshark tour. Our breakfast was quick. Then we packed our backpacks and walked to the front of the caravan park.
The bus arrived soon and we hopped on. The cruise we were going on was called Ningaloo Whaleshark'n'dive. The people in there were really nice and funny. They were two of the crew on our boat. They were called Mel and Mick.
We stopped at one other place and drove to Tantabiddi. On the way we all filled in a information form thing about ourselves and how well we could swim. Then we stopped and got out of the bus. Then our zodiac arrived and we drove out to the boat slowly through the waves.
On Aliikai - the boat - we waited for the second load of people from shore and started a briefing while the skipper - Andrea - drove on the fly bridge. We all learned about how close we are allowed to get to the Whalesharks and how to put life jackets on. We didn't need them on deck though, which was good.
It took the spotter planes a while to find a whale shark, so we tried out our snorkelling gear like they always do. There was loads of coral and fish too. We snorkelled and dived for a while until we needed to get out. It was fun really fun.
There were two big clumps of coral and little fish swimming in and out of it. I saw Staghorn coral, brain coral, and lots of other coral I don't know the name of. It was really fun when you took your snorkel out of your mouth and dived down to have a closer look too!I saw little zebra fish dart in and out of the Staghorn coral at the bottom too. I saw some big wrasses - a sort of family of fish - and lots of other colourful fish. It was SO fun.
Then we drove around the sea until Andrea got a call from the spotter plane that there was a whale shark spotted. Meanwhile I was sitting on the front deck with some other people, so we all rushed to get our snorkelling gear on. It was a little hard to get from the bow to the deck when we were going so fast across waves. We soon arrived and got ready to jump in.
Mum didn't go, so she just took photos from the boat. Talking about photos, there was this guy on deck that had red hair, so they called him Red. He was a videographer so he could make a video of us. He had an underwater film camera. You could ask to have you included a lot because you want a video of it, because he doesn't do individuals. There was also Christian, he drove the zodiac and helped on deck with Mick and Mel. Red wasn't part of the company, he just filmed.
The way we had to jump into the water was this; we had to stand on the edge of the boat and hold our goggles to our face with two of our fingers. Then we just walked in. And you have your snorkel in your mouth of course. At first the water is cold, but once you've done two or three flipper kicks, you get used to it.
We spotted the whale shark soon, and it was huge, even though it was only a small one. This is because they are the biggest fish in the sea.They can grow up yo 18 metres. When it swam towards you, you have to move out of its way. But you can sea their mouths, and they are literally HUGE! Their eyes are small, round and black. You can hardly see them.
But the whale sharks aren't dangerous. This is because they are vegetarians. They eat plankton and other small fish. The biggest fish in the sea eat the smallest fish in the sea. There were also thirty centimetre remoras hanging onto its stomach. I think I also saw a sixty centimetre shark underneath it too!
We hopped out of the water after about 10 minutes. The water was clear so you could see the bottom. The way we had to get out of the water was this; you had to push yourself up - like your doing a chin up - and twist so you can sit on the marlin board. That's the platform on the back so people can jump off.
After a while we had some food and drink. The water was a bit choppy, but no one can help that. There were no more whale sharks spotted for a while, but soon there was one. This time it glided beneath the water, so you could see all those MAGNIFICENT dots over its back. It was like a swimming Aboriginal painting. All the white dots over its back were AMAZING!!
When we hopped on the boat and let the second group go in, we had some nachos. After some time eating and drinking, my brother and I went up to Andrea My brother got to drive the boat with some help for a little while too. Soon we got another whale shark to swim with.
We got there and group one - my group - got in. This shark was a little faster than the others though. It swam past us and then we swam after it. I was at the back, and I soon lost sight of it because it was so fast! So I mostly looked at the bare ground of the sea.
When we got back out the crew started making lunch while Andrea drove on. We saw some Humpbackwhales the way, shooting water and lifting their backs out of the water. Once one jumped fully out of the water I think, but I didn't see it unfortunately. We soon got to our mooring and had lunch. It was rolls, salad, chicken, prawns, vegetables and lettuce. After that some of the group went for a snorkel, including dad, my brother and I.
I saw heaps of coral in that dive. The coral was surrounded by fish and was all different shapes and sizes. I spotted a bit of coral that was tall and funny looking. There was lots plate coral there too. Other coral looked funny when it was rolled up.
We saw lots of fish. I saw a lot of wrasses and longfin bannerfish. We also spotted this turtle. It glided along like a bubble. It only moved its front flippers to speed up. It didn't come up for a breath unfortunately.
It was also a bit annoying when I tried to dive down. There was a lot pressure. I could only go down two metres or so before having the prickly sand scratchy sound in my ear. I was still good though. The snorkelling gear provided was very good!
We soon got back on the boat and drove to the real mooring that belonged to them. The first boat left to take the people to shore, while we waited. I went on the toilet and when I came out Andrea was standing there all wet and soaked.
It turned out that Mick had picked her up and thrown her in the water. He kept pretending he was going to do it again. The second time he put her over his shoulder and went to the marlin board to throw her off. He wasn't going to do it though, it was for fun. Then he walked back up the stairs, put her down and and said; 'Sorry boss'. It was hilarious!
We soon entered the zodiac and drove to shore. We hopped on the bus Red started driving. Mel handed out certificates, stickers, discount things and drink bottles for each of us. We arrived at the caravan park and walked back to the the caravan.
After some time we had spinach gnocchi for dinner. We all had a shower soon because of the salt water. Then we all went to bed soon. I REALLY enjoyed swimming with the Whalesharks,and I have proof!! Ha!! But I MEGA MEGA REALLY enjoyed it!!!!!!!
Saya melihat ikan paus hiu.
Di adalah SEMPURNA!!!!!
Kita berenang dengan ikan paus hiu.
Di adalah AJAIB!!!
Makan di kapal adalah sungguh-sungguh baik.
Semua makan adalah baik.
Yang makan adalah; ayam, tomat, mentimun dan banyak di lain barang-barang.
Kapal anak kapal adalah sungguh-sungguh manis terlalu!
Mereka yang sungguh-sungguh manis dan kegembiraan.
Saya melihat ikan paus. Banyak di ikan paus.
Ikan paus sungguh-sungguh menarik..
Saya punyai sungguh-sungguh baik hari hari ini.
Saya punyai sungguh-sungguh baik waktu hari ini.
Saya belajar seabacus banyak. Dan saya artinya di.
Semua séhat.